
Father's Day Wishes

Dear Daddy, I'd really like to let you know today - how much I enjoy the time we spend together - when you give me a bath at the end of the day, change my diaper in the wee hours of the morning, and all our walks up to the park with Abbey. I especially like weekend mornings when we sneak out of bed - trying not to wake Mommy and head downstairs to fix the coffee.

I have big plans for us, Daddy - hanging out in the treehouse we will build, taking long bike rides on Sunday afternoons, weekend camping trips, skim boarding at the beach, snowboarding in the winter, learning to use power tools, taking fishing trips with you and my Grandpas, and of course... sharing a cheese steak at the counter at D'Allesandro's.

Alot of people say I look like you - I hope that means I am going to grow up to be like you too...
Happy First Father's Day Daddy. Love, Jack

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