
happy halloween!

Daddy and I carved the pumpkin we got a the pumpkin patch last week!

We went around to the neighbors house and they gave me this stuff to put in my little bag. I am not sure what it was - but it was all gone the next morning.

Oh and here is Baby Wes again.


3 little pigs

So this year for the second year in a row Linden's Mommy made us ALL costumes, even for the babies! We also participated in the Halloween parade where Linden lives. Our Mommies and Daddies decided at the last minute to make some signs for our wagon. I don't know what they meant but the people really liked them!


pumpkin patch

DD, Uncle Rich, Daddy and I took a hayride to the pumpkin patch.

big DOG!

Today I met "Big Dog!"


bath for baby Wes

Mommy and I gave Baby Wes a bath today because he was getting stinky. If you look closely you can see - I am holding Baby Wes' hand . I did that because he was crying.



When we ride in this stroller together people always ask if we are twins. Mommy snapped this photo right after a man asked that question.


all aboard !!

Mommy, Daddy , Uncle Greg, Cassie and I went to the Ivyland Railway in New Hope and rode a choo choo. I hardly talked I was in such amazement.

Oh yeah, Baby Wes came too.

fun in the grass

...another trip to the arboretum - alittle cooler but still alot of fun.


(my) DD and Wes

Don't get too comfortable Wesley! Love, Your Brother, Jack.


hayride at poppy's

Poppy fixed up this trailer, attached it to his tractor, filled it with hay and took us on a hayride. We picked up some other neighborhood kids along the way! We are going to do it again soon.


a kitty for Wes

I got Wes this kitty. It is just like my kitty but a different color. Wes seems to like it.

new toys!

Ever since Wes came along everyone has been giving me new things to play with! This is my new parking garage. I need to figure out how to incorporate it into my world of 'choo choos.'

rally time

Saturday Mommy and Daddy bagged our plans to go apple picking to instead take me to something called a rally.

We waited and waited in a long line to get to some park. Good thing we met up with Oliver so that I could chill out and eat some snacks in the stroller.

We finally got to the park and there was lots of clapping and cheering. I couldn't see much besides a whole lot of people. I was tired and hungry.

Here is Mommy and Oliver's Mommy. (Wes is in in there somewhere)

This is Wes with his buddy Kiernan (Oliver's little bro). Here is Oliver's Mommy's blog post about the day. And here is Oliver and I all riled up from the rally.


Wes' 1st trip to the playground

Friday afternoon we took Wes for his first trip to the playground. We even had a picnic ! Again, Wes slept most the time but I had fun playing with mulch and swinging with Daddy.


night night with wes

This is Wes and I getting ready for bedtime. He makes some funny noises.


So, Baby Wes sleeps ALOT. This is not much fun for me but I am trying to roll with it. The fun part is that Daddy has not been going to work all week which means lots of trips to the dog park and many sessions of 'choo choo blocks'*.

* 'choo choo blocks' is when Daddy and I lay down train tracks and also build bridges and buildings out of blocks around the train.


at last.....

my brother has come along...