
my really great grandma

saturday afternoon i met my great grandma for the first time. my great grandma made me laugh! not many people can do that. some of the other great grandmas where she lived really liked me too !


ride wit me.

It takes a long time to drive to Ohio- so we split up the driving. I'm not sure what the "6" and "5" meant on all the signs we passed but then again- neither did my Daddy.


first stop: clearfield, pennsylvania.

My great great great grandfather, William Carlile Arnold, was an important man in Clearfield. Thats why we like to make this our halfway point on our trip to Ohio. Mommy and Daddy tried to find a historical plaque of some sort to prove it but we couldn't find anything. This is a picture of the courthouse in Clearfield. I am not sure why that is important but Mommy took the picture. We also stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. It had a really, really big bed.



This evening we are leaving for Chagrin Falls, Ohio. This is where daddy grew up. I was actually already there once when I was just 3 weeks old. This time I am hoping to stay awake alittle more ..... Buckeye State here I come....

kitties and dimmers

this is me and one of my favorite auntie's ...aunt kitty! she takes special care of me when we are together. she even gave me a special dimmer from the place that she works. i use it on the lamp in the room where i sleep with mommy and daddy. this a way mommy can read at night while i sleep. thanks auntie kitty !!


this bud's for you!

This is my buddy Oliver again. Mommy and Daddy tell me we were friends before we were even born. Actually we were due (whatever that means?) on the same day - except Oliver got a head start and arrived alittle early. Mommy makes sure I see Oliver at least once a week. This one's for you Oliver!


need a plumber?

this is my cousin cassie. some day soon we are going to get in alot of trouble together. and someday soon.... i want to wear my pants like that.

dear mommy and daddy,

Happy 2nd Anniversary ! I am sure glad you decided to get together. Love, Jack .


this suit ain't to(o) tight to boogie

Today I went on my first hike with Mommy, Daddy and Abbey. I looked up at the tall trees in the woods, listened to the birds sing, watched Abbey chase a squirrel and even saw some graffiti! Now I know what nature is all about.


soy what?

Its Earth Day! Checkout Babysoy

Soybean fiber is a sustainable textile fiber made from renewable natural resources. It is part of an effort moving consumers away from petrochemical textile products and turning waste into useful products.... I don't know what any of that means but it sure sounds important !

my girl pearl

Aunt Nessy sent this video to us. Daddy said I better never talk like that - but it sure made Mommy and Daddy laugh.

shout out to my g-ma

Grandma P said there are not alot of pictures of me and Mommy. So this one's for you Grandma! There is not alot of Mommy in it but I sure look pretty darn cute if I can say so myself.
Ps. See you in a couple of days!!


3 amigos

Today Mommy talked alot about how 'nice' it was outside. So I got to hang out with my friends at the park. I am on the left, Oliver is in the middle and Linden is next to him. Something made me sad while Mommy was taking the picture. I feel better now.


It should be noted I have matured in leaps and bounds the past few weeks.
  • I have mastered the doorway jumper from the minute it was hung ( video to come)
  • I communicate with the family pets in a special high pitch language only they can understand
  • The elusive 'roll' from 'back' to 'front' - ....I did it..... (once)
  • I figured out two hands are much better than one...that goes for pulling things down from the playmat, making the monkey that hangs on my car seat vibrate, and some serious hand sucking
  • I also have learned that its lots of fun to grab Mommy's lip while I eat ... I also like to look up at Mommy during this time to let her know they are..I mean..she is ...special to me.

you don't know Jack

5 Things You May Not Know About Me:
I like my wipes warmed
I have never slept in a crib
I pass gas first thing in the morning and make my Daddy laugh
I can suck my toes
I am learning to read


one fish two fish- i'm the new fish.

This was inspired by my girls on the left coast "A" and "B". After a hard night on the town and a long overdue conversation with my aforementioned girls' father- my parents finally got their act together and started me one of these things. And the rest will be history- mostly from the present and probably a little from the past.

Tonight I hung out with my dad's nerdy design friends. There was a show for them at a store with a bunch of cool expensive, highly breakable things- I don't remember much- other than I think it made me poop- then hungry- and then tired.