
muffin man

I helped make muffins with Mimi and Papa. Then I ate them. Mmmmmm....

happy thanksgiving

I really got down with some turkey this year. Mimi make the best Thanksgiving dinner!





...Inn! Hotel beds are fun to play with my Thomas trains on. So fun, that I actually left Percy there. We picked him up on the ride home - he said he enjoyed the vacation.



I like to use these markers and draw but what I really like to do even more is connect the markers to make one big one!



Pixar likes storytime too!


more trouble...?

Mommy says these guys are the next round of trouble. I am not sure what that means. Though they do sort of look like they have been caught in the act in this picture. Anyway - it is Wes with Oliver's little brother "Big K."


whose birthday is it? jack's!

Today, my birthday , all started with my favorite breakfast of cheerios. Then Mama gave me a gift...these cool things called Clippo! I had leftover Rigatoni for lunch. Daddy came home early to finish making me this cool train cake! And then my buddies came over to eat it... It was so much fun. Thanks everyone for making it a great 2nd birthday !


cupcakes cousins and thomas

Sunday night we celebrated my birthday at Ma and Poppy's house. All my cousins were there. We had my favorite dinner rigatoni's and ricotta cheese. Afterward we had cupcakes which I didn't like so much. I also got presents - Lots of THOMAS!!!!


thanks Aunt Chris!

My cool Aunt Chris from New Hampshire got me this HUGE pop up schoolbus/firetruck. I really like to get in there and then call Mommy and Daddy to come in too!

an update on baby Wes

Baby Wes went to see Dr. Price on Monday and is already almost 11 pounds. I have been told repeatedly that Wes is going to be bigger than me.

and he doesn't always cry when I hold him.


autumn dinner

Last Saturday night Aunt Kitty made a delicious dinner for us. The best part though was the attention Aunt Nessa and Aunt Kitty gave to me - and these cool toys we played with!


reading to Baby Wes

See, I am a good big brother!


Bring your own bucket - no pants required!


please touch

Becca, Linden and Evie took Mommy and I (oh, and Wes too) to the Please Touch Museum . That place is so much fun! Linden and I really liked the Septa Bus. (You can see a photo of us on the bus here). Linden was the driver and I was the passenger, every time! We also liked the store where I was able to practice my cashier skills!!


apple picking

Saturday we went apple picking with my buddies. More fun photos here and here
