
my new sand table

I love to bury Thomas in the sand and to dump sand all over the deck.

sittin' up

Sometime over the past week Wes developed a new trick. Now he only falls over when I tackle him.


sharing Thomas

So believe it or not - Wes is really getting into Thomas. He especially loves the song. I do too!


Fridays !!

So every Friday Mommy, Wes and I go to Aunt Gigi's. There I get to play with my cousins Cassie and Ellie. Wes has been getting in on the fun too. My favorite part is snack time followed by lunch time.


fun on the rug

Mommy and Daddy finally got a rug for the living room. Wes really likes having somewhere to hang out.


head shots

Mommy likes taking photos of Wes' head.


Trace Nagode

We have a new cousin, Trace, born April 14th. Welcome to the boys club Trace - can't wait to hang out with you !


party at Wes' crib!

Mommy and Daddy finally got Baby Wes a crib (Thanks Kolodner Family!). He has been taking naps in a pack and play, poor kid. My bed is coming - stay tuned!


happy trails

Saturday we took Wes for his first hike on the Wissahickon. We let Abbey swim and I picked rocks, big and little, to throw in the creek.


water colors for rainy days

Mommy bought me some watercolors. I really like them. Especially the blue one.


Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Wes!

He celebrated with some banana! It was his first taste of food. I think he liked it.

opening day

Daddy took me out for opening day for Trout again this year! We first had breakfast at Bob's Diner.

Then I carried my Spiderman tackle box (Poppy lent it to me!) and we walked out to the creek.

I am practicing casting here.

Fish weren't biting so I took a break and surfed the net alittle

Since we got up so early we were pooped. Oh and we didn't catch anything.....


how I ...

spend ALOT of my time these days. Baby Wes likes to watch from his jumper. I am also really good at cleaning up my trains too.


silly cat

Pixar thinks this is a good place to hang out.


Check out our matching dimples.