
like father...

Monday I did my first poo poo in the potty.


the uh ohs

Baby Wes has a serious case of the uh ohs. All day long he drops things and then just looks cute and says 'uh oh'. I could never get away with that!

a new favorite food

All week I have been staying at Ma and Poppy's while Mommy "works". Yesterday I discovered that I like pickles! I showed Daddy when we got home how much I like them.

And then I decided to dip them in milk!



Abbey and Wes

They are really getting to know one another.



This is one of my new favorite past times... digging for worms. At first I wasn't too sure about picking them up but after I saw Mommy do it I decided I could too.


a trip to the Zoo with Oliver

We renewed our Zoo membership. This is Oliver and I having a really good time watching the river otters.


wagon ride

with my little brother



wildwood week 2009

Mommy, Baby Wes and I spent 6 days with Aunt Gigi, Cassie and Ellie at the Beach. We had so much fun at the beach, the playground, the baby pool and eating Popsicles. I really started to like running and splashing in the waves and Baby Wes loves the sand... so much so that he eats it. What a great week with my cousins.

Notes: Daddy joined us later in the week and took us to the Boardwalk and to eat ice cream. Baby Wes started to crawl this week and his 2 bottom teeth are clearly 'in'.


brothers from other mothers

the bike race (again)

This was our third year at the Bike Race. Baby Wes' first. Oliver (and his Mommy Daddy and brother) joined us. It was awesome - we cheered the bikes on when they went by and played with sticks.
All that bike riding really wore us out..


push it

Baby Wes was so excited about 'pushing" me in the wagon that he yelled about it.


and he claps!

another milestone for Baby Wes ...

brotherly love

No doubt about it ... We love each other.

Poppy's lawn

These photos really show off Poppy's grass.


grandma's sink

Baby Wes had his first bath in Grandma's sink due to a 'car seat blow out' on the ride up for a visit. DD took the picture of him in the towel - nice one DD!