
a preview....

Yes that is right. My pirate name is "Jack Narrow." Linden's Mommy created the coolest costumes for us. More to come...


don't tinkle on my stroller please!

Today was one of the first really chilly days that I can remember in a long time. Mommy bundled me up (no way on those mittens Ma!) and we went for a walk. One of our stops was the dog park where a big golden retriever tinkled on my jogging stroller. And then Abbey did too! Icky!


buttermilk waffles

Sunday morning Daddy made me my first Buttermilk Belgium Waffle. I think I liked it. But I also think I will like it more once I can get my hands on that syrup stuff!


somethings gotta grow

So the hair on top of my head may not be growing but this hair on my eyelids sure is! Stay tuned though - I am told I have some hair coming in on the back of my head - Photo to follow!


i love kitties!!!

I like the kitty-cats in this book and they don't run away when I try to kiss them!


storytime with aunt kitty

Aunt Kitty stopped by for a visit this week. It was so fun to have someone else to play with on a Wednesday afternoon other than Mommy. She is really good at reading stories and even let me turn the pages. She was still there when I woke up from my nap too.... Come back soon Aunt Kitty!



Not only are beer bottles fun - but the thing they come in is also great! While Mommy cooked dinner - I wrestled with an empty six pack the other night. I hope Daddy keeps bringing them home for me!


squirrel watching

Ever since Mommy filled the bird feeder - Abbey and I have been bonding, watching the squirrels. One of these days I will open that door and let you chase them Abbey - I promise!


she's a grand old flag

My latest obsession are Flags. Not just American ones either. I spot them everywhere and I make a special noise that sounds like Flag but starts with a 'P'. I know there is a point on the end of this Flag but that doesn't stop me!


nothing runs like a john deere

Today I had my first ride on a tractor!!! Poppy's tractor to be specific. I kept my hand's in fists the entire time - just in case that blade came loose or something. I am not scared, just cautious. We kicked up a lot of dirt and leaves on that thing. And mowed a lot of grass too! Let me know if you need some help again soon, Poppy!


goodnight moon

I am really getting used to my bedtime routine. As a matter of fact - I get really upset if Mommy and Daddy don't start getting me ready for bed by 7 o'clock. It's hard to say what is my favorite part - when Daddy wears my froggy robe on his head, sitting in the kitchen sink for my bath or when Daddy reads me a story right before I go to sleep. Mommy thought this scene was too cute not to take a photo of. She said she wants to remember it forever.