
trick or treatin'

Baby Wes wouldn't keep his hat on.

But I look pretty good - huh?

The bounty.

Me showing Wes what the good stuff is (hint - it wasn't chocolate)

Starting to feel the effects of sugar.

Trick or Treaters!!



Check him out! Not bad for his first time with a crayon. (Right after Mommy took this he ate the crayon..)



Wes has calmed down enough and can finally stay still so we can read him some books before bed too!


Brusha brusha brusha

Wes LOVES to steal other people's toothbrushes.

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Munchkins eating munchkins...

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wagon train

Grandma figured out a way to turn my car and wagon into a train!

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froggy wes

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This morning we took an early morning stroll at the zoo with the Kolodner family. Oliver and I had a close encounter with this nice gorilla.

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arboreteum in the autumn

Today I didn't have school and Mommy didn't have to work - so we had some fun. We met Oliver, Kiernan, and Alisson at the arboretum. According to Mommy it was a perfect day! Some other photos here


cars cars cars

Baby Wes and I have been racing cars in the back alley:

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Wes stepping out

Wes has taken a step here and there but at his party he took 5 steps right across the room! Here is a video of him walking to Daddy the day after his birthday.

a new ride

Mommy and Daddy got Wes his own car! I told Mommy I would make sure Wes shares this with me.