

if you didn't get enough here is more:

Florida 2010 highlights

Where Mommy and Daddy were married

Wes has curls !

The beach!

Alligator watching...

Walking with Mimi and Papa at the Zoo


card shark

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flashlight fun in Florida

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our flight might be delayed

but Thomas is right on time!!!

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mama's little engineer

I got this new pencil today at school. I was very excited to sharpen it and use it with my notebook. It wouldn't stay in the spirals so Mommy gave me a rubber band and this is what I did...it works good and I clearly impressed Mommy because she took these photos:

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...is my favorite color

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4 cousin pile up

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all aboard!!

next stop...naptime! Daddy had the GREATEST idea to take a nap inside the pop up Thomas tent that Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Ryan and Cousin Trace got us for Christmas. I was so excited that I didn't even want Daddy to read to me - It was the best nap I ever had!

(more) snow !

It snowed ALL day Saturday. So Sunday we finally came outside. It took a long time for Mommy to get us dressed. And then we only hung outside for 10 minutes.

Oliver's Grammy got Wes and I these cool hats from a trip she was on. Look how good Wes' looks with his jacket. Thanks Oliver's Grammy!


on your marks...

Daddy Wes and I put this cool toy (Thanks Uncle Geoffrey and Aunt Juju) together over the weekend. Now we can race cars inside too!