
rain slicker

Today was a rainy day.... but it didn't stop me from smiling.


I love Florida

I just got back from a long weekend visiting Grandma and Grandpa P along the Gulf Coast. I had the best time. I totally forgot about these molars coming in. I ate like a king, played with recyclables, fell asleep by the ocean and by the pool, spent time alone with Grandma and Grandpa (finally!), got to eat breakfast and look out over a pond every morning, and got my first boat ! ..... what a lucky guy! (See to the right for more photos)


caged animals

Pixar and I are getting really close. I like to shut the gate so we can be alone. She even has let me taste her food!


the joys of plastic

Mommy has finally let me get into the plastic ware. I think it may have to do with the amount time we have been spending indoors... anyway it is endless minutes of entertainment...


walkin' blues

This is for you Grandma P - Happy Birthday!!!