
football hold

Mommy thought it was really cute that I fell asleep clutching my little football.


a great day

Today when I woke up from my morning nap - Guess who came in to get me ?! My cousins, Madison and Danielle. I couldn't stop smiling. After we played with my wagon - we all went to the Zoo... ! This was a truly a great day.


Happy Birthday Grandpa P!!!

Here's a long distance birthday wish Grandpa Pavlich... from me to you! I can't believe you have the same birthday as Christmas!


Christmas Eve

I don't know if you can tell - but Daddy and I are both in sweater vests in this picture. It was special just for the holiday.

This is Poppy and Gammy busy frying up a traditional Italian Christmas Eve feast. Mommy helped them while I hung out with Daddy.


my first pizzelle

Mommy and Daddy made pizzelles after I went to bed. In the morning I got to try one...and I liked it!


Happy Birthday Gammy!!

Happy Birthday Gammy! Next year - I will sing it !


happy birthday linden!

Happy Birthday to my buddy Linden. I am so glad we met in that "Mommy and Me" class. I think we have a pretty good time together and I know more is in store !! Have a great 2nd year!


abbey's bed

Abbey's bed is so much fun! Why didn't I realize this sooner?


beer hog

I don't think I have a problem.


turkey time in chagrin falls

Another road trip and I enjoyed a little time at the wheel...

This was the table set for Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately I was napping during most of it but I did wake up just in time for a little turkey.

I really like playing with my Uncle Bo and Uncle Geoffrey. Bo is a cat.

Friday night we went down to town to see the lighting of the big tree . I hung out in Daddy's coat where it was warm . The view of the lights was just fine from there.

Then when we got back to Grandma and Grandpa's - Grandpa had a special surprise . A tree decorated in lights just for me!

On Saturday Daddy took me to see the Falls. They were mesmerizing. It was a great trip to Chagrin! Can't wait for the next!


i've been working on my wagon....

I have been really busy working on the wagon Gammy and Poppy got me for my birthday - It needed alot of work. I think I may need a screwdriver for Christmas though.


my first day as a 1 year old

My birthday started like any other Saturday. Cheerios, yogurt, watched Mama and Daddy drink coffee.... After I woke up from my first nap though... Daddy gave me a gift... a real drum!Then after my second nap... Mommy dressed me in this outfit and said I was having a party. I think I was supposed to look like a flag.Mama made special cupcakes topped with flags....and Linden's Mommy made party hats with flags on top of them.
I had a great time at my party. (More party pictures here). I really liked having all the people that love me gathered in my very own house. Thanks everybody!


Happy Birthday to me

I am seconds old in this picture... Do you believe I was ever that small? Me neither. Thanks Mama .... and Daddy for fattening me up, for making me laugh, for all the kisses, hugs, coming to me when I cry, for carrying me around, letting me crawl all over, and for all the good times!


a happy birthday warm up

Cassie has been practicing the "Happy Birthday Song". Here is alittle bit of what I heard a few times today. Can't wait to hear the real thing on Saturday!


Mama let me sit in some leaves at Gammy and Poppy's house the other day. I liked picking them up by their stems and examining each one. Can't wait til I can run and fall in them!



Yesterday our Mommies bundled us up to take some photographs. They bribed us to stay put with car keys and snacks. It worked for alittle while.


moose shoes

My great Aunt Chris from up north sent me my first - first birthday present. I love them and wanted to wear them right away. Thanks Aunt Chris!!!!


happy birthday oliver!

We sure have come a long way since this picture! I will be eternally grateful that Mommy and Daddy decided to take that weird birth class in South Philly. I can't wait to grow up some more with you!


bachelor pad

After almost a year of sharing a room with my parents - I am finally on my own. Daddy worked hard to rearrange the room, paint and even build a cover for that thing I like to touch.... the radiator. I even have my own corner to read books in. It took me about a week to get used to but now I like it so much that I tell Mommy to leave me in my crib to hang out. And then I have so much fun that I even fall asleep in there. Life in my very own room is great!


Last night my cousin Cassie gave me a bath in the sink at Poppy and Grandma's. Mommy kept telling her she was doing a really good job. I guess I thought so too.


3 days in the life of a pirate

I have just spent 3 days as a pirate.

This is me matey 'The Dread Pirate Linden"

This is me other matey 'Captain Oliver No Beard"

This is ye beauty, our boat, "The Booby Hunter" with me mateys in it!

I have learned that being a pirate makes ye hungry!

I have also learned that sometimes ye pirates like to lose their britches!

And sometimes ye little pirate doesn't want to be a pirate anymore....


a preview....

Yes that is right. My pirate name is "Jack Narrow." Linden's Mommy created the coolest costumes for us. More to come...


don't tinkle on my stroller please!

Today was one of the first really chilly days that I can remember in a long time. Mommy bundled me up (no way on those mittens Ma!) and we went for a walk. One of our stops was the dog park where a big golden retriever tinkled on my jogging stroller. And then Abbey did too! Icky!


buttermilk waffles

Sunday morning Daddy made me my first Buttermilk Belgium Waffle. I think I liked it. But I also think I will like it more once I can get my hands on that syrup stuff!


somethings gotta grow

So the hair on top of my head may not be growing but this hair on my eyelids sure is! Stay tuned though - I am told I have some hair coming in on the back of my head - Photo to follow!


i love kitties!!!

I like the kitty-cats in this book and they don't run away when I try to kiss them!


storytime with aunt kitty

Aunt Kitty stopped by for a visit this week. It was so fun to have someone else to play with on a Wednesday afternoon other than Mommy. She is really good at reading stories and even let me turn the pages. She was still there when I woke up from my nap too.... Come back soon Aunt Kitty!